Business Marketing

How To Boost The Online Branding Of Your Removalists Business Using Storytelling

How To Boost The Online Branding Of Your Removalists Business Using Storytelling

For as long as the human race has been able to communicate with each other, storytelling has played a huge role in your lives, in all sorts of ways. That includes within the world of business, and as such, it can be the case that your removalists business can benefit if you introduce storytelling to your marketing and as a means to enhance your brand whether you’re a plumber, removalist or kitchen renovator.

When we use the term storytelling, we are not suggesting you sit down and write a novel., nor are we expecting you to become removalists’ answer to James Patterson.

Instead, we want you to consider how you can weave, short and simple stories into all of the places online where you publish content. This includes your website, your blog, any social media you use, and your marketing and advertising.

One of the first reasons why storytelling is such an effective team of promoting anything, including your brand, is that it can be used to spark emotions within those who read them.

Bear in mind, people make decisions based on the emotions they are feeling, and it is only later that they use logic to justify their decision. So, if your stories generate the desired emotion in visitors to your website and prospective clients, you have a better chance of them becoming actual clients.

Storytelling can also be used to create a connection with people, and the technique you should use for that is to tell stories that individuals can relate to. This applies whether they be about situations your clients have faced when moving house or office, or they are about a struggle you have had whilst running your removalists business. In each case, you will have readers who see themselves in those scenarios, and that strengthens the connection.

Whilst stories about struggles or difficult scenarios might not always be the happiest, you can counter these by relating humorous stories to your audience. Everyone likes to laugh, and if you have a load of house or office moving stories where something funny has happened or a client did something which was humorous then tell that story. It will help build that relationship further, and again strengthen the connection your prospects have with your business and its brand.

As we have mentioned, one of the most important benefits that telling stories can do for your business is to boost its branding. One of the core reasons for that is that visitors to your website and those seeing the stories you publish online on other platforms are more likely to remember those stories than a bland marketing message. As such any branding which you associate with the story on those pages will be more likely to be remembered by those who read your stories.

Whilst you will want to include the entertaining, and even humorous stories which I mentioned previously, it is also key that you include some stories which have a more serious message. Prime amongst those could be stories about the journey of yourself and your business from its earliest beginnings to its current position, including both the successes and the setbacks.

As part of that story or series of stories you can include stories that demonstrate and explain what you, your company and most important of all, your brand stand for. For example, if customer service is your number one priority then tell stories of when you and your staff excelled and went out of your way to help a customer.

Another example would be if one of your marketing messages is that you can accept clients who are moving long distances, such as across multiple states. You will surely have stories relating to this kind of work so tell them, making sure that associate the desired branding message with the positive elements of the stories you tell.