Business Marketing

Onsite and Off Site SEO Factors for Your Website

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There are many different elements to digital marketing and especially search engine optimisation (SEO) and each of them is important. Many people concentrate on on-page SEO without realising that it is not as crucial as many off-site elements. This could be because it is easier to ensure keywords are in the right places and that there are internal links. A clear call to action, relevant graphics, a nice header, and so on are all excellent and necessary, but if you ignore off-page SEO, don’t expect the website to perform as well as it should.

Most people know what on-page SEO is, so what is off-page SEO, and how can it benefit your website if it is not on the pages? On-page SEO refers to such things as –

  • The quantity and quality of the links you have to and from your website
  • Traffic and user signals
  • Social media metrics
  • The mention of your brand name and domain name on other sites

Some of these link back to having something on your website, e.g., social media sharing buttons, but most activity is done offsite. For instance, while you have social media buttons on your website and someone clicks one of them to share your information to say, Facebook, the benefits to your website then come from the resulting Facebook activity.


Business Marketing

The Basics of Search Engine Optimisation

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Search Engine Optimisation or SEO as it is mostly referred to, plays a big part in the success of any business website. It is basically a way of ensuring your website pops up on the search page results for a certain keyword – one that is relevant to your products or services. The very first thing to do is choose which relevant keywords attract a lot of searches but are not too costly for your marketing budget.

Techniques for using the chosen keywords should only those that are approved by the search engines. They can now pick up keyword stuffing –improper use of keywords – and will ignore the page it is used on. Most genuine business websites avoid doing anything that gets them a black mark on Google, since that’s the main search engine.

If you write quality content that makes proper use of keywords and provides valuable information to visitors about your product or services, the search engines will look on your website with favour. That doesn’t mean you can’t use certain aspects of SEO to increase the visibility of each page. For instance, the keyword should be used in the page title, the URL, the headline and where an image is used – and it should be – in the file name, image title and alt attribute. Keywords should also be in the meta descriptions.
